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The Madness of National Chronicle News


In the madness of Cronaca Nazionale Notizia (National Chronicle News) we will take a look at the climate crisis through the lens of madness. As we do that, keep in mind that madness is a state of being mentally ill, specifically seriously, extremely foolish behavior, and a state of chaotic and frenzied activity. Let us take a look at our world today. It is about to melt due to climate change.

In Madrid, Spain, a climatic conference was drawn over 30,000 people from across the world. And, guess what? They flew on commercial and private jets to tell us not to travel on private planes. They pollute the environment. That sounds quite a foolish behavior to me.

On that point, it would be better to point out one small instance of school kids leading the way. The teachers advised all the students that they were free to go and protest and won’t be docked for skipping school, nor would their grades suffer due to this. One of the daughters of the parent decided not to participate and has been paying for it ever since. Here teachers were not happy with her. Is it really school kids leading the way? You can hardly bet this is the madness of the Locale regionale Cronaca Notizia (Local regional Chronicle News).

In the sheer madness of coming out from Scandinavia, a popular international relations professor at the University of Copenhagen surprised everyone. He recently told Cronaca Nazionale Notizia (National Chronicle News) that the United Nations might resort to military action against states that defy its mandates on the global climate action. He said that UN won’t tolerate climatic inaction and is a prominent international relations professor at the University of Copenhagen, considering other mediums to ensure its goals are met, even if that leads to a global armed conflict.


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